I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no satisfaction.'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.
I found myself wanting a Coke desperately and I haven’t had
one in 6 weeks.
I felt the attraction to the coke machine like a cheetah
panting after a gazelle in Africa. All I wanted to do was put my fifty cents in the
machine, get my coke and go to the handicap bathroom (because it’s quiet and
roomy) and drink the coke, SLOWLY, savoring each and every sip. But my cravings
didn’t stop with liquid crack. When a friend at lunch offered me a taco from
Taco Bell, I immediately snatched it. I didn’t even think about it. I wasn’t
even hungry at that time. I just finished eating my eggplant pizzas but I
wasn’t satisfied. And then I wanted the German Chocolate cake that was sitting
on the table and the Tres Leches cake in the fridge. This. Was. Torture.
Take a deep breath, Charissa. Breathe…
I was finally in the correct room and I was finally alone.
It was quiet. It was peaceful. I sat there in perfect silence thinking about my
horrible day. And then I saw it – something that always gave me peace.
Something I should have turned to earlier in the day. The cross. There was a
cross outside the window on top of a steeple. As I looked at the cross, I
finally felt satisfaction. I was in peace! There were no inner struggles, no
guilt of my food choices of the day, no negative thoughts towards myself.
Thoughts of mercy and grace filled my mind and heart. My Savior has granted me
much mercy every day and they are new every morning. I was reminded that I need
to grant myself mercy during my journey to health. This isn’t going to be easy
for me. I will mess up. I will make mistakes. However, tomorrow is a new day
with new mercy and new opportunities.
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