Monday, February 18, 2013

A pin up session is the best medicine!

For the past few years, I have wanted to do the pin up photo session at Celestial Studios. But, every year, I always talked myself out of doing it. I’ve never really felt comfortable with my weight to be in a pin up photo.

When I started my journey to become healthier and lose weight, a friend suggested I take before and after pictures. I decided to contact Fox at Celestial Studios immediately before I lost my nerve. Contacting her was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! The afternoon I spent with Fox at her studio was incredible.

I’ve never felt more beautiful, confident, sexy and liberated in my entire life. For the first time, my weight wasn’t an issue. I was beautiful regardless of the number on the scale. I was confident regardless of my dress size. And, I was sexy regardless of the angle of the camera. 

After the session was over, I went home and continued taking pin up photos with my own camera. Several hours later, the clothes and make-up were removed but my renewed spirit remained. To this day, I still feel liberated, secure and more like myself than ever before. I am proud to show the photos of my session. I am proud to display me – ALL of me, including my granny panties!


  1. You go girl. You are a true beauty. I wish you the best on your road to healthier living.

  2. Thank you for your kind, supportive words!
